When you suffer a neck injury at work, it can impact your entire life. You may be in pain, unable to work, and struggling to pay bills. Workers’ compensation can help you get medical treatment and pay you wages while you’re out of work.
However, some companies don’t treat you fairly when you file a workers’ compensation claim.
Our workers’ compensation lawyers fight companies who harm employees or fail to give them fair compensation. We help clients get fair workers’ comp settlements for neck injuries.
The first step to getting the money you need is understanding Minnesota workers’ compensation legal requirements.
How Much Does Workers’ Compensation Pay?
Workers’ compensation is a no-fault system, meaning that even if you were responsible for your accident, it usually pays.
However, workers’ compensation settlements provide only limited payment, depending on the classification of your injury.
According to the National Safety Council‘s 2022 report, the average settlement for a workers’ comp neck injury comprises $30,404 allocated for medical care and $28,987 for wage loss during the 2019-2020 period. This data indicates the average financial compensation awarded for neck injuries under workers’ compensation claims during that time frame.
In workers’ compensation settlements cases involving neck fusion, settlement amounts can vary widely. Typically, settlements range from as low as $150,000 to well over a million dollars, depending on various factors such as the severity of the injury, medical expenses, lost wages, and legal representation.
While it’s hard for us to give an average workers’ compensation settlement, neck injury payments are based on the extent of your disability and your average wage before the accident.
After evaluating your workplace injury, a doctor may classify you as:
- Temporarily partially disabled (TPD),
- Temporarily totally disabled (TTD),
- Permanently partially disabled (PPD), or
- Permanently totally disabled (PTD).
Each injury classification allows for different compensation amounts for varying time periods.
Workers’ compensation settlements for neck and back injuries can provide compensation for up to 500 weeks. This compensation is applicable for individuals who have lost at least 50 percent of the use of their neck due to the injury. Even if you eventually return to work, you may still be eligible for compensation for total disability resulting from these injuries.
Temporary Disability Compensation
Temporary disability workers’ compensation payments include:
- Two-thirds of your average weekly wage up to a maximum of $1,134.24 per week; and
- Medical bills.
Temporary total disability payments cease when:
- You return to work;
- You reach maximum medical improvement (more medical treatment won’t help); or
- You reach 130 weeks of benefits for a temporary total disability.
If you return to work with a temporary partial disability, you may not be able to work in the same role due to your injury.
If your salary is reduced in your new workplace role, you can receive temporary partial disability payments to make up two-thirds of the difference.
These temporary partial disability payments cease after you get them for 250 weeks or reach 450 weeks after your injury.
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Permanent Partial Disability Compensation
If you are permanently partially disabled, you can receive a one-time workers’ compensation neck injury settlement sum or installment payments.
Permanent disability payments are calculated based on the severity of your injury, and that required compensation schedule is provided in Minnesota law.
Permanent Total Disability Compensation
Permanent total disability qualifies you for two-thirds of your average wage (up to a maximum) for as long as you are disabled. This amount may reduce if you receive government disability payments.
Contact a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Today
At the Criminal Defense Attorney & Workers’ Compensation Law Offices of Arechigo & Stokka, we have been helping work accident victims for decades.
We have the legal experience and courage needed to fight big businesses that harm their employees. Workers’ comp neck injury settlements can help injured workers, so we pressure employers to pay fairly.
If you need help getting workers’ compensation, contact our workers’ comp attorneys for a free consultation. You can also call us at 651-372-1021. We’ll treat you with respect and fight for your rights to fair compensation.
Josh has been representing injured workers for over 10 years. Josh was born and raised in Fargo, North Dakota, and attended the University of Minnesota-Duluth where he earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Criminology. Mr. Stokka alson received his law degree from the Hamline University School of Law. During law school, Josh clerked at a Minnesota law firm specializing in personal injury and workers’ compensation. Prior to practicing in the area of workers’ compensation, Josh clerked for a judge in the 7th Judicial District in Minnesota. This valuable experience gave him insight into how judges think, do their jobs behind the scene, and how to frame a case in order to obtain a favorable result. Now, he focuses 100% of his practice on defending injured workers in Minnesota.